Vision of Seed

Jerry Savelle talked about the importance of Knowing God’s ways. He said that Genesis was a good place to start.


Genesis 1:11-12 . . . .God spoke everything into being.


God created all plants having seed within them. Reproduction was established through seed. Like beget like. The seed was within each plant. Not one master seed scattered. But each had the seed growing within it.


The seed is meant for reproduction. Each plant – each individual plant was meant to have a part in reproduction and filling the Earth. Each plant contains multiple seeds. Not just one. Each year the plants would produce another crop of seed. Some plants complete a life cycle in one season, some in two years and some for a long time.


But they all produce seed or the creation effort would have died after a few years. Some of the seed are miss formed and unable to produce. Some fall on the wrong place to grow. Animals and insects eat and destroy some seed. But enough is produced to propagate and fill the Earth.


One seed planted in fertile ground can produce many more. In time this productive plant can grow and take over – filling a large area, creating meadows, forests, bogs.


Some seed in less productive ground struggle to produce and stands alone like a single tree on a crag of rock.


If a plant does not produce offspring, when it dies it is gone. Its genetic sequence disappears. Horticulturists use reproductive sequences to isolate Yellow Roses for example.


What an example of God’s Way. Even the grasses of the field reproduce and populate Earth. We Christians have been made in the image of God. When we produce Spiritually we reproduce God’s likeness and populate Heaven. That is a big part of what we are to do. If we do not produce new offspring then we have violated on of God’s Ways for us to live.


If you plant a grass seed in a container it will sprout. If it does not produce, then when it dies the container remains empty. (There is a counter story here about Satan and the curse on the Earth – it would actually be filled with weeds which were not planted there).


If that single grass plant produces seed and they grow then the container will be filled with beautiful green grass.


It is true that each plant produces many seeds and one individual can populate a large area. But when each one does it own part, vast areas of plush growth are seen.


So what is the story? What is God’s Way? What does this have to do with or mean to Me a Christian?


Grow where you are at. We have bountiful seed within us – Rivers of flowing water pouring from within. Plant the seeds. Let them grow. It is each one of our parts to produce and fill the Earth (Heaven).


Most Christians are content to let a few do all of the seed sowing. Thinking there is enough planters already. “I have other things to do but will support them in their efforts” as if this can ease the conscious.


You do not see this in the plant world, a bunch of grass leaning towards and supporting a central stem and watch it throw out seed far and wide.


Some plants burst out with a splash of grandeur spreading seed afar like the dandelion. Others are more humble and merely drop their seed by their feet.


It is interesting that the mighty oak is such. The acorns drop straight down. But it does sow its seed, thousands of them. God in His infinite ways has produced a way for these offspring to be moved to better locations. (Another story about the helper squirrels).


Produce many Christians, it is your divine duty placed in your DNA by God. Don’t let others do it and think you have taken part. We each have unique seeds within that must be sown.


The seeds and sowing are witnessing and evangelism.


(There is another story about seed sowing as pertaining to tithing and offerings).


Jim Gregg – as prompted by the Spirit of God. 08/15/2008