Can you spell Jihad?
It’s Islam for kill the Infidels.
You are an Infidel, you Bible thumping Christian. Did you know that? It is the Muslims duty, at least those who read and believe the Koran, to kill you. To annihilate you. To wipe you from the face of this earth. This is really quite an uplifting concept, don’t you think?
Our President wants us all to openly welcome the Muslims into our land and give them the glad hand of hospitality. While they are slapping our backs and shaking our hands they are thinking of ways to do away with us. “Glad to meet you.” “Even more glad to see you disappear from Earth.” “Chuckle, chuckle.”
I just watched a documentary video titled “The Third Jihad”. It was not fun, in fact it made me feel terrible, but was very eye opening. We have been getting more and more informed about Muslims and their Islamic religion. Their god Allah and Muhammad his prophet.
America! Wake Up! You have fallen asleep!
While the majority of us Americans have been napping, the Islamic world has been about plotting our eventual overthrow. Part of them want to blow us all off the face of the earth. This is the smaller group of radical Islamist, those who carry around weapons and shoot them into the air at any moment. The rest, actually the majority of them, the peaceful ones, the ones who do not shove their gun or grenade launcher into your face, want to merely overgrow our country with their presence.
It is their design to overpower us by sheer numbers. They have 6 to 8 babies per couple while we Americans have less than 2. Do the math. It doesn’t take long to have an population explosion based on those numbers. They have also started recruiting prisoners. What else is there to do while in lock up but to talk to others about your bad fate in life.
We have been asleep, just like when Madelyn O’Hara had prayer taken out of school. Do any of you remember that? Were you awake then? Not me. I just woke up one morning and realized that prayer was no longer welcomed in public schools. Not to worry I was a catholic at the time and was not to hot on all the prayers then.
BUT, Now I am a Christian with a burning desire to serve the Living Savior, The God Creator of the Universe. I can not sleep through this intrusion into my world now. Not this time. We are at the end of the road. Christ is going to return before most of us die. Don’t believe that? Well you really are asleep.
Evil is rampant upon the face of the Earth. Satan wants to destroy the remnant of God fearing Christians before it is too late for him. His days are numbered and he knows it. He also has plans to destroy the Jewish nation. Just ask Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the self proclaimed president of Iran. It is his sworn duty to wipe the Earth clean Israel and the Jewish people. His country is in a head long thrust to develop nuclear weapons to throw at Israel.
Once he has accomplished the destruction of the “little Satan” he want to destroy the “big Satan”, that would be US. .Yes you read that right. It is Ahmadinejad’s purpose to kill all of US infidels. By doing this he hopes to unleash a world nuclear war which will cause his savior to come to Earth and set up the Islamic kingdom forever and forever.
Anyway. Back to the sleeping part. Are you asleep? Have you noticed that the end is near? Have you noticed that a great evil has infiltrated the United States and is growing quietly like a cancer. A cancer whose only goal is to destroy the host it lives in. Suicide bombers do not care that they are blown up with the victims they are killing. It is their great privilege to die as martyrs to Muhammad and his teachings.
While we sleepily go about our daily lives, the Islamic world is growing by leaps and bounds. They are overthrowing nation after nation influencing the policies of the land.
While we sleepily sit in the pews of our elaborate churches being feed meaty words from God, the enemy is stealthily slipping into our country. The video stated that there are 36 Islamic camps set up just a havens for converted convicts to hide away in after they gain release from incarceration.
Don’t think we are asleep? When was the last time your pastor spoke on the dangers of the radical Islamics? Not to mention the more peaceful intrusion of the mild mannered ones hiding just down the street. The video interviewed many Muslims born in the United States who’s goal is to see Islam overthrow all other religions.
I don’t know about you, but I am awake! I will not go down without a struggle! I will die for the sake of Christ and His remnant in the world. We have already pledged to wear a yellow star and stand beside our Jewish brethren should their persecution come about. There will not be another Holocaust. Not while I am walking about on this planet Earth.
So listen up! This is what we are going to do.
God is Lord of all. His Will shall be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. He will triumph over the evil running rampant on Earth. Why shouldn’t He? He created it all! He told us all about this a long time ago> it’s written down. Get the book and read it. The Bible of course!
We are to fervently pray and intercede for our country. America was founded on the truth of the Bible. We must as a nation return to those truths. We have let sin slip in and run rampant throughout the land. Let us turn from our ways and lift up God as the true head of us all. Honor Him and He will honor and support us.
We are His servants while we reside on this terrestrial ball. We are to be His lamps to light the way for the lost to see the richness of his Glory. We are stationed on the precipice, right at the edge of terror and sanity. We are beacons of His Glory and Light. Our lives are to be spent leading others to Him. Our lives are to be spent giving hope to those with out it.
In these end times we are to be stalwarts of faith. Standing firm on His Word for all others to see. When we were in Puerto Vallarta several people mentioned that they could see and feel the greatness of God in our lives. One man said that he could see the great faith we had in God. It is that faith that oozes out of us for all others to see and feel. Like rivers of living waters flowing out of our bellies.
Yes! A great terror is upon us. A fierce, tremendous, terrible terror. But not to fear! Our God is greater than all that. Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world.
Be of good cheer for God is always near. Just draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. It’s Christmas time. Christ is in the season. He is the reason for the season.
Just wake up and see what is happening before it is too late to do anything about it. Ana and I are starting a prayer group that will be upholding America and the Jewish nation before God. Not a time to party and eat cookies. This will be a time of intercessory prayer like you may have never experienced before. You are invited to join in. It is our expectation to see God do might miracles through our obedience to His calling for our lives.