This week end at a Promise Keepers rally, my wife and I pledged our uncommitted support of the Jewish people; both here in Colorado and throughout the world.
That sounds rather easy. “I Promise”. But what did this really mean to Ana and me? It means that we will do all that is within our power to tell the world of what is happening right now that is a threat to the Jewish people. We will be watchmen on the walls ready and able to announce pending attacks as they approach. We will be ready scribes penning down information for others to read. We will do anything to forewarn the coming persecution as Antisemitism increases across the U.S. and around the world.
God tells us of the formation and greatness of Israel in Genesis. There He also tells us to honor and bless the Jewish Nation. It is our duty as Christians to do so.
Gen 12:2-3 And I will make you a great nation. And I will bless you and make your name great. And you shall be a blessing. And I will bless those that bless you and curse the one who curses you. And in you shall all families of the earth be blessed.
This year the Promise keepers rally stressed the bringing together all peoples, black, white, red, brown, Christian, and Jew. It was a time of great healing for the participants. There was a great emphasis on reuniting Christians and Jews into a common bond. Throughout the week end the Messianic Jews were honored and several speakers addressed the holocaust and our connection to the Jewish people.
At the end of the conference we had a period of praising God in all ways. This included blowing shofars, dancing, singing, openly praising God, waiving banners and flags, in all a glorious time of worshiping the Creator of the Universe.
Then Rabbi Aaron Fruh asked:
“As a Jew I ask you, will you stand with my people in the coming difficult days? Will you risk your life to shelter and protect us? Will you lay down your life for us? Will you say, ‘never again will I allow my Jewish brothers and sisters to suffer alone’? As a Jew I ask you, will you wear the yellow star of David as a declaration of solidarity with my people? Will you declare, ‘united we stand and divided we fall’? Will you walk the avenue of the righteous of the nations as thousands of other gentile Christians have, including Corrie Ten Boom?
“In the words of the Talmud, ‘he who saves one life, saves the world entire.’
“I’m asking you, Coach McCartney, will you lay down your life for me, and will you risk your life, and your family’s life in order to save my people, and will you wear the yellow star?”
With voice cracking under the emotion, Coach McCartney replied: “I say to Rabbi Aaron Fruh and to every Jew, I will wear the yellow star. I will wear it with great humility, and with great resolve. I’ll wear it like a warrior. I understand the times, I know what to do about it, and it’s in my heart to stand with God’s chosen people.”
A Time to Honor: Transcript of Conclusion
Thousands responded to the call, and voluntarily received yellow stars at the close of the program; Ana and I were two of those.
The yellow star was just a piece of cloth pinned to the Jews to single them out, to disgrace them, to mark them as undesirable, to declare them as ones destined for extinction.
It was Satan’s brutal attack to bring an end to the Jewish nation. To bring an end to the threat of what they could do to his kingdom once and for all. It was a savage attack that ended the lives of 6 million Jews. Precious souls went to their grave at the hands of a tyrant.
As we bonded together hugging each other and vowing our promise to stand together the words echoed.
“Never Again”
“Never Again”
“Never Again”
“Never Again”
“Never Again”
“Never Again”
“Never Again”
We will never let this happen again. NEVER. Not on our watch! Not while we are still alive!
Jim – 08/03/2009