This is a writing about Orizaba, Mexico and was done as I looked at a picture like a post card scene which I took.
It is a picture of the Iron Building and mountains in downtown Orizaba, Mexico. What a beautiful building and scene.
- Downtown Orizaba, Mexico
This photograph is like a postcard from someplace exotic and romantic; someplace far away. The main building was given to the city by France and is made entirely of iron; it is called the iron building and now houses several city functions and a tourist bureau. It stands so erect and tall and towering over the rest around it.
The sky is blue which has not happened much since Enrique moved there, a fact which tormented Claudia to no end. But god opened the sky and let the radiant sun shine freely as we were there for the three days. It was like the Lords blessings on our visit, a sign of warmth coming from the far off land of Colorado. It was a unique blessing from the tres amigos that came to share gods love. We were able to impart some encouragement into the lives of the men of god working in the region.
In the background loom many mountains so blue and inviting, pristine and beautiful. The green in the picture seems extra green this day and enhances the sparkle of the picture. It was such a perfect day for a perfect photograph. Taking it came easily for me as I merely pushed a button and captured what was in front of me. This was inspired by god.
What a wonderful god we serve such a lord of all such a benevolent creator making all of this just to amuse his people; His people whom he loves intensely.
Joh 14:2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
This scripture came to mind as I look at the picture of the tall beautiful building gracing the skyline of Orizaba. It makes me wonder, what will the mansions in heaven look like?