A New Thing

Jim Gregg

December 31, 2009

On the 29th of December we received an email from Mike Evans of “The Jerusalem Prayer Team” with a Word for us, his team. Yes it was the same Word for all members of his team; But God takes such Words and makes them specific for each individual.

The Word of Prophecy was:

Isa 43:18 Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. BEHOLD, I WILL DO A NEW THING; NOW it shall sprout; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.

Mike went on to explain the marvelous thing that happed after he received that very word back in 1981. He said to write down today’s date and read this Word every day in 2010; then one year from now to write and tell him what unexplained great things has happened from God.

We accept this. It is God’s Word form Ana and I. We started reading and praying over these Words. Our pastor also has been preaching that 2010 is the start of a entirely new decade for us. New happenings will be uncovered. We will be in a period of harvest and not of sowing. We will reap where we have not sown.

A couple of weeks ago Ana purchased an Internet marketing book/program from a TV ad. I have been struggling with how to implement this as a means to generate money to support Vaya Ministries. All avenues seemed to lead to spiritual dead ends where no power of God seemed to be leading.

Most of the internet marketing is shady to say the least. You are required to constantly do things to get an upper hand on the next guy. Every step of the way seems to be full of losses and procedures turning wrong. It is a survival of the boldest and most daring, not quite what I think God would give us as a way to survive.

Somewhere along the way I started thinking about the Vayaministries.com web site. How could the marketing be tied to it to make sales? How could the marketing be used to increase visits to the site so people cold be reached for Christ?

But this whole realm of Internet marketing is like smoke and mirrors or snake oil salesmanship. Not quite above board in it practices. The free site we received with the book is full of products for sale, BUT they seem to be somewhat of a scam at best. The ads are poorly made and sort of amateurish.

It was hard to get our heart or souls wrapped around the concept of marketing or delve too deeply in to it. Each day an attempt was made to get a marketing campaign going, only to get nothing started at all. If this is truly of God then the process would unfold since we have His Favor spoken directly over our lives.

In the process of researching PPC I ran across several Christian sorts of markets and one gentleman in Fort Collins who wrote a nice article on the True Meaning of Christmas. I wrote emails to each of these asking for assistance getting started to bring Glory to God in what we were attempting to do. They were boldly told of our Missionary work and how we feel God wants us to use this to further His work through Vaya Ministries.

So far – Nada! Nothing being written back. We just get put on another list of daily emails offering their newest latest and greatest marketing tools and techniques that they would just love to sell us.

Yep! This is Internet marketing at its best; just as I had feelings that it would be. Any attempt to enter into it only opens up more people trying to sell you more information on how to do just what they are doing. Selling people just like us information. Ad Nauseum!

But still I feel that God has brought all of this together for a purpose. There has to be a way to use Internet marketing to generate money for continued work and to reach people searching for Christ.

Ana and I have burning desires to reach people who are lost and hurting. Our hearts go out to anyone hurting no matter where in the world they live. We receive a newsletter from Voice of The Martyrs. This morning we were reading some of it. I brought it along to read at lunch. The world is full of evil. People in many lands are being killed for their belief in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

How I wish I could hang up this computer guru hat so we could set out on a long trip anywhere to give a helping hand. The articles in the newsletter were heart wrenching at times. How so many people are being tortured for the beliefs that we freely express.

The stories are told how individuals react so favorably to receiving pamphlets and bibles. How they hold dearly to these documents, even when being dragged away to imprisonment. How they desperately search out any means of communication with other believers.

Somewhere in the midst of this the article mentioned how they use email and chat rooms to reach out to others.


A spark whelmed up inside of me. I felt the movement of the Spirit of God shudder throughout my being. I closed my eyes and prayed “how can this all be put together”.

Yes Lord! How can this all be put together?

  • Our burning desire to reach people.
  • Their burning desire to reach out to others.
  • The openness towards Christ that is being unfolded in these last days.
  • The internet.
  • The marvelous marketing capabilities of Google, PPC, AdWords.
  • Vayaministries.com.
  • Ana’s vast missionary experience
  • The anointed writings I am allowed to write.

Could we possibly have a Pay-Per-Click campaign set up to drive requests to Vaya to receive teachings, training, and the roadmap of Salvation spelled out?

Use Facebook and Twitter to reach people?

But Pappa! These things cost money to do, not generate money! What about the “Miracle in Resources” that You spoke over Ana and me?

This would truly be a New Thing. Tonight is New years Eve and Ana and I are going to spend time writing up a prayer list for 2010 and presenting it to You as a petition. Let us mull this over and add it to our list.

There is substance to this thought. I feel a depth that has not been realized as yet. A way to reach out to many in a new way. A way to touch souls in places we could never visit.

Father, this is from You! Manifest its completeness to me in this New Years Day. Let this be the beginning of the new decade of reaping where we have not sewn, throughout the world. For Your Glory.

My Spirit if flying thinking of the possibilities. My mind reeling at the complexities yet simple ness of it all. Guide us our Lord through it all.