On The Fence

Jim Gregg

November 30, 2011

I woke up thinking about “on the fence”. Just what does that mean? Several WEB dictionaries state..

on the fence [Informal] Undecided as to which of two sides to support; uncommitted or neutral.

on the fence [adj.] – characterized by indecision; “some who had been on the fence came out in favor of the plan”; “too many voters still declare they are undecided”

on the fence – not able to decide something


We just watched the Broncos win over San Diego last Sunday. Several people in the audience held up signs with a big D and a piece of a fence. D Fence, D Fence they chanted.


No that is not quite it.

Tim Tebow was playing and some were chanting Tebow, Tebow.

No that is not it.

My vision of on the fence was about Christians who are indeed Christians but who are on the fence. The profess Christ but not much else.  Jesus talks about the Church of Laodicea in Revelations…

Rev 3:15 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of my mouth.


On The Fence Christians are those who do not take a stand on critical issues facing the Church today, or own up to the fact that they know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. If they would just jump back off the fence they would not clog the arteries of the church as it struggles to move forward. Better yet if they would jump forward into belief and action they would help move the church onward.

Just sitting there is a nuisance to believers and God. We are in the end times and things are happening at an accelerated pace. Soon we will be facing the wars, troubles, persecution, Anti-Christ, and terrors spoken of in the Bible. This is not a time to be a pew warmer. Now is the time to be “Who God Says You Are”.

After the broncos game on Sunday Tim Tebow was interviewed by a channel 9 sportscaster. He said “First off I want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for allowing me to play with the Broncos.” WOW! What a testimony. Tebow is not a fence sitting lukewarm Christian. This young man is on fire for Christ. I wish we were all as motivated to speak out in favor of what Jesus has done in our lives.


During the game he is often seen on one knee crying out Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. He lives and breathes the saving grace of Jesus Christ.


This moment of honoring Christ and calling out to God for help has been labeled Tebowing. Some of the news media have tried to make a joke out of it, but Tim continues to honor God by his kneeling in front of millions of people acknowledging the God and Creator of the Universe.

Are you on the fence? Are you just a lukewarm Christian waiting to be spewed out of Gods mouth?


intransitive verb 1 : vomit

2 : to come forth in a flood or gush

3 : to ooze out as if under pressure : exude

I pray that you are not in such of a condition. To be vomited up by God does not seem to be what any normal human being would want to happen.


Jump off the fence NOW! In the direction of Jesus Christ. Re-commit your life to following Him in all that you do. Take a stand for righteousness. You don’t have to stand before millions of people and tell them about Jesus Christ. BUT – maybe you should!

Have you ever witnessed to anyone about the saving grace of Jesus Christ? I struggled with that for many years. The right time just never came up. In fact the right time never comes up. It just so happens that Satan is fully able to keep that right time totally out of the picture.

You get all fired up to tell someone about Jesus. You get tensed up inside.  You mouth the very words you want to say. Sweat starts to form on your brow. Your fist clenches up tight. Your heart beats like you just ran a marathon. You walk over to the person and just as you open your mouth to say… A friend walks up. Someone walks between you. The person walks away. You stutter, cough, sneeze, anything at all. And poof! The moment slips away.

Like I said. I struggles with this most of my life. It seemed that anything would keep me from talking to my friends and family about Christ. One day I was at a business convention downtown and my wife told me to take some tracks along. When I got off the train in downtown I walked along the mall and started talking to strangers.


Many listened to me and took the track. Each step gave me more confidence. Suddenly I was praying with a man about accepting Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. WOW! It was not me but The Holy Spirit who spoke through me.

Since then I have witnessed to my boss and led two co-workers to Christ. Just getting off the fence and making a bold move for Christ is all that is needed. Rely upon Him and take no thought of what others think. For it is what God thinks about you that has any real meaning in the end.

Now that you have a start. How about tackling the myriad of other problems facing the Christian life and walk with God.


Gay marriage


The plight of Israel and the Jewish people

Human trafficking



. . .

Way too many to list here.

Get off the fence. God will direct you if you open up your prayer life to Him. He wants to talk to you, but you must first listen for his still small voice. He is a gentleman and will not shout you down.

You do have to ask Him though. He told us the “we have not because we ask not.”

Matt 7:7 “Ask, and it will be given you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and it will be opened for you.



Remember above all things that Jesus Loves You.


In Christ,
