Our turmoil

Our country is in a turmoil.

One side against the other.

Donald Trump has been appointed by God for such a time as this. He is not perfect but has been selected by God to accomplish His work.

Joe Biden has been appointed by Satan to accomplish his dark works on Earth. Dark and sinister full of malice. An undertow of unrighteousness things.

The Democratic Party does not honor God with their political platform. Abortions. Gay marriages. Are the two that catch in my throat and which are condemned by God in His Word the Bible.

They spout socialism, one world government, everything free for all, uprisings

This presidential election is a fierce battle between Good and evil. The Dems hate the republicans with a vehement hatred. Their teeth are barred and venom spews out of their mouth. Kill him. Impeach him. Burn riot destroy. Here is not my President.